ETHPAR Integration Documentation
1. Introduction
ETHPAR is a hard fork of Ethereum designed to enhance decentralization, scalability, and throughput through parallel block execution. Leveraging Ethereum's foundational architecture, ETHPAR introduces a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism with support for parallel validators and block commutativity, ensuring compatibility with existing Ethereum-based systems.
2. Technical Specifications
- Consensus Mechanism: Proof-of-Stake (PoS) with support for parallel blocks.
- Parallel Validators: Validators collaborate to execute transactions in parallel blocks, increasing throughput without sacrificing determinism.
- Compatibility: Fully compatible with Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).
- Transaction Organization: Uses a memgraph structure to partition commutative transactions.
3. Smart Contract Support
- Supported Languages: Solidity and other EVM-compatible languages.
- Deployment: Identical to Ethereum; contracts can be deployed and interacted with using standard Ethereum tools such as Remix, Truffle, and Hardhat.
- Conflict Management: Smart contract conflicts are resolved using static analysis to produce deterministic conflict lists.
4. Interoperability
- Bridges: Support for asset bridging between Ethereum and ETHPAR via planned bridge solutions.
- Cross-Chain Communication: Transaction commutativity ensures seamless integration of cross-chain assets and operations.
5. Node and Validator Information
- Node Setup: Nodes can be set up using Ethereum-compatible clients with ETHPAR-specific configuration files.
- Validator Requirements: Validators are selected based on stake and assigned to parallel validator committees to optimize transaction execution.
- Parallel Committees: Committees are assigned to validate blocks concurrently, adhering to deterministic transaction ordering.
6. APIs and SDKs
ETHPAR provides APIs identical to Ethereum for transaction submission, state querying, and contract interaction.
POST /eth_sendTransaction
POST /eth_getBalance
POST /eth_call
SDK Compatibility: Existing Ethereum SDKs, including web3.js and ethers.js, are fully supported.
import { ethers } from "ethers";
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider("");
const signer = provider.getSigner();
async function connectWallet() {
const address = await signer.getAddress();
console.log(`Connected wallet address: ${address}`);
Metamask Integration
To connect MetaMask to ETHPAR, follow these steps:
- Open MetaMask and navigate to Settings > Networks
- Add the following details:
- Network Name: ETHPAR Mainnet
- New RPC URL:
- Chain ID: [Insert ETHPAR's Chain ID]
- Currency Symbol: ETP
- Block Explorer URL: [Insert ETHPAR Block Explorer URL]
- Save the settings and switch to the ETHPAR network
7. Security
- Conflict Resolution: Parallel validators use deterministic algorithms to partition transactions, ensuring non-conflicting execution.
- Static Analysis: Smart contracts undergo static analysis to produce conflict lists, preventing unexpected runtime conflicts.
- Audit Readiness: ETHPAR maintains security alignment with Ethereum's PoS standards.
8. Governance
- Upgrade Proposals: Governance follows a decentralized model similar to Ethereum's EIP process.
- Community Participation: Validators and developers can propose and vote on network improvements.
9. Documentation and References
- ETHPAR Whitepaper: Download Whitepaper
- Ethereum Reference: ETHPAR adheres to Ethereum standards for tooling, APIs, and governance, ensuring a seamless developer experience.
- ETHPAR Developer Portal: Comprehensive resources for developers.
Next Steps
For developers and integrators:
- Deploy and test smart contracts on ETHPAR's testnet using Ethereum-compatible tools.
- Connect wallets like MetaMask or custom dApps to ETHPAR using the provided configuration and SDKs.
- Reach out to the ETHPAR development team for additional support and technical inquiries via our Contact Page.